Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Beginning of Goodbyes

Farwell Jacq
Well, this past week, Sikasso Kaw said goodbye to a Bulshi (the stage that came 2006), Jacq. Jacq is extending her PC service in China! Last Saturday, we had a lovely party for her. I think everybody had a great time.
On Sunday, I went to market. I detest the market on Sundays because it’s really crowded, and one time, I almost got pushed over. Linds came in for the party, and she needed to go, so I went with her. I did, however, make a fun purchase. I bought some lingerie beads. They are called and you wear them around your waist. When we first got here, they were talked about during one of our cultural lessons, but the Malian was too shy to show her beads.

I, however, am not to shy to show my beads!

Monday was a really tough day for me. I was ready to call it quits. But, I have an amazing support system here, and concluded that some days are just terrible. Did I mention how much of a crappy day it was? Oh, and my beads fell down. Apparently, I didn’t tie them tight enough. Thank God I was wearing pants!
Tuesday night, we had Jacq’s Bash part II. We had Asian Fusion night. It was so much fun and absolutely delicious! Jacq left Wednesday morning for Bamako, so it was her last night here!
On Thursday afternoon, Trinh and I went house hunting (for me) and bureau shopping (for Sikasso Kaw). Our bureau is a one room hole in the wall, and we have to share a yeagan. (And, the yeagan is almost overflowing. I won’t take a picture though. You can use your imagination!) I really enjoyed house/apartment shopping in America, but not so much here. First of all, there is no brochure of all the places for rent. We started off with my landlord, he knew another landlord, talked to him, and asked if he knew anybody, etc. Anyway, that little book is really helpful. The last house we looked at was quite impressive. 5 bedroom/ 5 bathroom house…only 6 times the price of my apartment! Note: It’s never a good sign when you ask how much a house is and the landlord says, “It’s expensive.” My power got cut yesterday, so I am even more motivated to find a new place. One thing I believe Americans take for granted: Having separate electricity and water bills. I’m predicting my water to get cut within the next few weeks too because I haven’t seen a bill in quite some time. Time and time again, if I ever have to choose between water and electricity, water all the way!!!!
Next week, Emily is coming to Sikasso to celebrate her birthday! Linds is coming too, and we are going to have a magnificent time!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

A Slow Week

This past week dragged on and on. But, it’s now Saturday, and I am hosting a Farwell Bash for Jacq. She is extending her Peace Corps service in China! I was cleaning my house this morning when the water got cut. Sigh. Always something.
My homologue is traveling around Mali and then going to Germany. It seems like the saying, “when the cat is away, the mice will play” seems pretty relevant to the work environment too. PC is coming down to Sikasso in a few weeks, which will be really good. We need to sit down and have a meeting. It’s frustrating because some really basic things that would, I feel, really improve tourism, can’t be done because of money. (Don’t get me started!!!) Anyway, I think/hope this meeting will be beneficial for everybody, especially me to give me some guidance of where I need to go.
I can be pushy and demanding in America, but I seem to have put that away here and am somewhat passive. I don’t want to step on anybody’s toes because that wouldn’t accomplish anything. But, I do think I need to take more of a stand.
Trinh, Laura, Chelsea, and I did make ice cream last Tuesday. It unfortunately didn’t turn out as planned because the bowl wasn’t frozen. But, the cold creamy mixture was delicious and I definitely see potential.
On Thursday, I went around with the Water Sanitation APCD. We checked out a new site for a volunteer coming this year. Chelsea was getting a ride back to her site, and I basically went so I could check on the progress of the campament. When Chelsea and I saw the house for the new volunteer and we looked at each other and laughed! (So bad I know!) It is so small! My porch is bigger than the house! Chelsea and I both think a guy should live there! The volunteer should also have an amazing attitude and really wanting the classic PC experience. The community built the first house too close to the road, so they had to tear it down and build it again (I personally think the APCD should have given the community specific requirements, but whatever). Anyway, I think they are going to build an outside kitchen which will definitely make it better. When I went to Waroni, nobody was working. I do not think the campament will be finished for the upcoming tourist season, but maybe they will prove me wrong.
It is about to storm! Storms are great because it really cools things off. I do not like how so much dirt is stirred up or how I think trees may fall down or when mangos fall off the trees, but overall, storms are so pleasant!

The computer is being stupid so I cannot post pictures. Sorry!

Saturday, May 10, 2008


Well, I survived my first week back. It hit me a few days ago that I won’t be in America until 2009!! I guess I wasn’t thinking about that when I was in America. For so many months, I thought, well, when I’m in America, I’ll remember to bring this back. I have to stop doing that!

Pict of Casablanca

Anyway, here’s a few highlights of my week:
On my ride home to Sikasso, I was exhausted! My sleep schedule is crazy! I typically wake up at 2 am and go back to sleep 5ish. So, I was laying down, even before the car left the PC office! We hit a really bumpy road, and I thought maybe we are taking the back way. Well, I tried to stay awake for a little bit, but I didn’t recognize anything! The trees were different, the road, I swear, was smaller, and I thought, man you really must be tired! So, I slept for 3 hours, and when I woke up, I asked if we made it to Bogoni yet. The driver explained that we were going to Segou then Kouticala then Sikasso, not the Bogoni to Sikasso route. This, explains why everything looked so different! It wasn’t because I was exhausted (even though that is true), it was because we were on a different road!

Pict: my porch

As I knew before I left, my house was FILTHY! But, kids are always wanted to help me, so I let them.

I went to work Monday morning, and was wondering why everyone was stopping at the particular intersection. I was thinking there was probably a wreck or something, but then I looked up and lo and behold…Sikasso has a WORKING stoplight! I couldn’t believe it! I wonder how long this will last. (We have always had stoplights, but they are never on.) Only time will tell. Monday night, I woke up with a migraine. I use to get migraines semiannually in the states, but I’m working on every other month in Mali! So, when I woke up, I called work and let them know that I wasn’t going to make it in. I slept until 2! I then ate lunch and hung out with another volunteer. I felt bad because Echin came to my house that night. He called, and I let him know I wasn’t home. I believe he was either inviting me to dinner, or he brought me dinner. Either way, I felt bad.

On Thursday, I was sooo exhausted! I tried not napping during the day, but would still wake up in the middle of the night. Anyway, I was just going through the motions: peddle, peddle, peddle, but I hit a bump, and off my bike I went! I’m thankful that: I didn’t have my camera in my purse, wasn’t transporting the ice cream maker, and nobody else ran over me. I was more embarrassed than hurt. But that sure woke me up!

Yesterday my outside door wouldn’t open. A Malian broke the lock for me. But, I was, I don’t know, irritated with PC because I’m suppose to replace it because it’s a “minor repair”. I don’t know, I guess I feel like they should replace it because it is a “safety and security issue.”

Okay, now that my trip to the States is over, here’s a look of my calendar of events:

May 30th: Emily’s Birthday Party in Sikasso

July 4th: Celebrating the 4th in Manitali

July 23th: Ghana (I hope!!!)

Early September: Festival in Kayes

October?: Gambia (again, I hope! And, I have to look at my funds…or should I say lack of funds?)

Early November: Balafone Festival in Sikasso

November 27th: Thanksgiving in Sikasso

November 28th: Mexican Night @ my place!

More events to come!

Map so you know what places I am talking about.