Monday, July 28, 2008 i come
Well, the airplane fell through....grrrr. So, im trying to mentally prep for a 40ish bus hour trip tomorrow...
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Leaving for Ghana Next Week
Really, nothing of interest happened this week.
Oh, I did go to a funeral last week. I forgot to put my friends blog link last time, so here it is The men and women were seated separately. When we arrived, somebody was yelling blessings through an intercom. At 9 am, we had rice and pasta and delicious meat. Chelsea told me that they bought 20 Kilos of meat the day before! After eating, we greeted the 2 wives, the mother, and the village chief. Then we chilled.
Laura’s mom took Laura and me out to dinner. It was so sweet of her! I had such a fabulous time! She is a RPCV, so it was interesting hearing how different she pictured Mali.
I was sick yesterday. The 3rd book in the series still has not arrived. I am trying to be patient…AHHHHHHHHHHH.
I have to pack and clean this weekend to get ready to go on my trip!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
1 Year Mark! Oh, yeah
I had tutoring the other day. It’s been a while, and it’s so nice feeling like I’ve improved!
Trinh and I watched 27 Dresses yesterday. It is a stereotypical chick flick. I loved it! Drama, predictability, happy ending. What’s not to love? We ate popcorn, cookies, and drank soda.
I also began running again yesterday. I was annoyed that so many people would greet me while running, so I decided to listen to music and tune the world out. I mean, I really do appreciate people wanting to greet me, but when I’m running?! I don’t think they understand it’s like if I stopped their soccer game to greet. Nobody would do that. Running is my soccer. I wonder how many people I ignored yesterday.
I am going to my friend’s village this weekend for a funeral. There was a horrific well accident last month. Typically, you are put in the ground the day you die. Then, they have a funeral that day, 7 days later, and then again at 40 days. I am going to the 40th day funeral, which is typically the largest because people can arrange for transportation and such. While it was such a tragedy for the whole community, I remain amazed at how strong my friend is and just how supportive her village is. Check out her Peace Corps experience at .
Flash back: Swear in day,
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Pictures Galore!
Anna and me in Bamako...waiting for the BEST CHEESEBURGERS EVER
The 4th of July 08 in Manitali
Manitali is Beautiful!
Getting back on the bus
Malian women who came over to greet us when we had a flat
Monday, July 7, 2008
I don't do rats, I don't do bats
We went out to eat at an amazing burger place! Cheeseburgers are delicious! The next day, we went to the bus station at 7 am. Our bus was suppose to leave at 9 am but we didn't roll out until 10:30 am. It ended up breaking down 2 K away from Kita, so we walked. From Kita, we waited, oh, 4 hours to get on a van. Sigh. But, we did get there! It made my heart smile when a boy was riding a bike with a trunk on the back of it (from what I understood, it was for a sick woman and her child) , and our driver let him put his bike on top of the car and ride with us. Nighttime was quickly approaching, and he still had a good 15 K in front of him.
When I saw Manitali in the day light, it was absolutely beautiful! I did see some monkeys, but unfortunately, the hippos weren't around when I was. The 4th of July was a lot of fun! Most of the people in the region didn't host, so it was a bit confusing. Nobody was really in charge. On the way back, there were 18 volunteers in the basche. We had to walk up the hill so the basche could make it. It was at an inclince...I kept on thanking God that I didn't have a backpack on my back!
I am in Bamako for my midservice health exam. Lots of people were talking trash about the dentist, but he said "Your teeth are very good." So, I didn't have any problems.
I went to the Ghana Embassy today. It's official! I'm going to Ghana! I am going with Becky and Anna. They are so sweet! I know we are going to have a blast!
I will try to add some pictures tomorrow. The video application is ridiculously slow.