Last week, I went to 2 baptisms. As previously stated, “naming ceremony” would probably be a better term. One of the baptisms I went to, I didn’t even know the family! But, I brought a gift (soap), and this particular family spent a lot of money and slaughtered a lamb. This lamb was so tasty! It reminded me of Greece!
I knew the family of the other baptism I went to. It was Diane’s guards’ (Moussa) wife’s (Mye) baby. His name is Esa. So cute! He is such a big baby, which means he’s healthy. Laura told me most Malian children at her health clinic at her village weigh about 2 Kilos after birth. Esa weighted in at like 4 Kilos!
This week, I am finishing the paperwork for the faucet project. I HOPE to turn in the paperwork by Monday….but it is West Africa and we are on WAIT.
We have a few meetings at work these next coming weeks, and I want to organize my thoughts (and then translate them to French). This is my time to give my opinions and ideas.
Thanksgiving is next week!!! And my family is coming next month!!! It’s crazy that the time has finally arrived!
A few random sightings-
A few weeks ago, I was biking by and saw a really cute little girl on a tire. Normally, children use bike tires as toys and run and hit the wheel with a stick to get the wheel moving. One little girl put her tire on a cut down tree and sat on it like a tire swing.
I saw an 18 wheeler carrying dried sheep skins. And, there were 3 poor sheep sitting in front of it. I’m having a hard time describing this, but it was really funny and I wished I had my camera near by!
I have seen so many wrecks within the past month! The most tragic wreck was an 18 wheeler that ran off the side of the road. People were sitting on top (pretty typical), but they were thrown from the truck and sweet potatoes (what the truck was carrying) feel and killed 4 individuals. People were picking up sweet potatoes 2 days after the wreck.
Chillin in potato scraps
Lala and Esa
Happy mom, Mye and Esa
proud daddy, Moussa
Who's ready for some futbol?