Last week, I was walking to the bus, eating an apple. Student: “Ms. Katie, are you trying to lose weight?” I sheepishly replied, that indeed, I was try to tone up. She then said, “Ms. Katie, I think you look beautiful fkdajkfjdakl.” Excuse me? “You know, rejkla;jkfda;.” I’m sorry? “You know, P-L-U-M-P.” OHHH. “Plump.” “Yeah, I think you look beautiful plump.” My response? “You’re too kind!”
On Friday night, I went over to Jeesun’s. We ate duck pot and watched Sherlock Holmes. I now want to reread those books!
Last Saturday night, I went to the Bookworm in Chengdu to see Steve Connell. He is a poet/actor. I had no idea I was so into poetry! I enjoyed myself thoroughly. And, I’m acquiring a taste for red wine. So, if you have the chance to check out Steve, do it. He won’t disappoint. My favorite was his first poem about music. FABULOUS!!!
On Sunday, the school took Andrew and me out to an ancient town. We walked around, ate, played cards, drank flower tea, and ate some more. It was such a pleasant day! The only downside what coming home at 8 pm to finish lesson planning! I planned on working on Saturday, but the power was out.
Two days ago, I had to give another Monday night lecture to all of the freshmen majoring in English. The students have gotten more comfortable with each other, and won’t be quiet. GRRR. Anyway, I did another music lecture. I am pleased to announce that 200 Chinese students now know who Bob Marley is!! Mission Accomplished!!
I was on the bus at night and noticed so many bright lights on the turnpike. A colleague exclaimed, “How beautiful!” I was thinking to myself, how wasteful. And I just keep on changing…