I received my packet from the PC today. After reading through it, I called the headquarters and officially accepted my invitation to serve in Mali this July. I didn't realize that I had even more paper work to fill out!! Forms, pictures, resume, etc. need to be dealt with ASAP. It was a
relieve to speak to a PC person in DC. I asked about my
left handedness and writing. I am very happy that I can continue to write with my left hand. Can you imagine writing with your opposite hand in a language that you are just learning? The reason this is even an issue is that Mali is a
predominantly Muslim country and the left hand is considered "unclean". Thus, eating and shaking hands are only done with the right hand.
This is the Malian Flag.
A Few Facts about Mali:
~Located in West Africa
~Official language is French
~Mali covers an area greater than New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas combined
~More than 20 major ethnic groups in Mali
~In 2003 the per capita gross domestic product stood at $371.
More Facts to Come!
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