I leave for my homestay in an hour. I do not know the next time I will be able to blog. I will be in a city, but I will be busy learning French (classes 7/7!!) It will be intense, but I did meet my "mom". She is so put together! She had on a beautiful black and white outfit, some makeup, and a cell phone! She has 3 children. Her sister is also taking in a PCT, and the guy who was interpreting (which I am grateful for) misunderstood 16 and 6! So, he told us that her sister has 16 childern! But, we (or should I say he?) finally figured it out and corrected us. It was really funny thinking that a PCT was going into a family that had 16 kids and they all lived at home! But, really it is 6, and they all live at home.
I should be speaking okay French the next time I'm on! It's exciting!
Au Revior! (Goodbye in French)