I leave for my homestay in an hour. I do not know the next time I will be able to blog. I will be in a city, but I will be busy learning French (classes 7/7!!) It will be intense, but I did meet my "mom". She is so put together! She had on a beautiful black and white outfit, some makeup, and a cell phone! She has 3 children. Her sister is also taking in a PCT, and the guy who was interpreting (which I am grateful for) misunderstood 16 and 6! So, he told us that her sister has 16 childern! But, we (or should I say he?) finally figured it out and corrected us. It was really funny thinking that a PCT was going into a family that had 16 kids and they all lived at home! But, really it is 6, and they all live at home.
I should be speaking okay French the next time I'm on! It's exciting!
Au Revior! (Goodbye in French)
Jeez Katie I love you! Good luck with the whole right handed thing. I told me Mom and she said "they should not have let her go to that country, it is going to be so hard for her to use her right hand!" My Dad says good luck and to look him up when you come home because you're the kind of person he looks for in an intern. Anyway, let me know how your Harry search is going. I'm finished with it, and I'm not going to lie: I cried. Miss you! -Hannah
Can't wait to read your next post! What an exciting time in your life! Good luck with the tag team of mosquitos and flies!
Love you,
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