Yesterday was quite a hectic day! The morning started off with Phil (the tortoise, named for the one eyed King Philip II) breaking into the hut across from mine. He really likes that hut. He also poops there alot. He not only broke through their screen, but he also went inside! We all think he needs a girl tortoise.
Oh, Phil!

We had a couple of girls come to our room to get ready. It reminded me of the sorority hall in college, where everybody listens to music and puts on makeup in one room. I didn't realize I missed it until we were all together, trying on different outfits, putting on makeup, and dancing our hearts out.
Lindsay and I investigating the was only the troubled Phil...
While walking to the bus, my gold shoes that my mom bought for me broke. We put masking tape on it so I could wear them any way. (My other shoe broke at the Ambassadors house...)
My shoes on a better day (check out those Reef tan lines! Nice!)

After the eventful morning with Phil, we went to the Embassy to get sworn in. It was so much fun seeing everybody (mostly every body...some people didn't get outfits made) all dressed up in their Malian best!
Laura and me on the bus
After we went to the Embassy, all the soon to be PCTs were on one side, and a lot of our family members from home stay. It felt like graduation. Everybody was standing up, trying to find their family. My mom came. I was so happy to see her! I still can't communicate very well with her, but she's coming to visit me at my site, hopefully next year. We took some pictures before the ceremony
Walking to the ceremony
Soon to be PCV! All Smiles!

My Malian mom and me

The homestay group: Illioso, Lala, Saulda, Hamma

My Malian mom; Isn't she so cute?
The ceremony was quite nice. The Ambassador spoke, the Mayor spoke, and something that I thought was really cool is one PCT was selected from the 5 different languages being learned, and that individual gave a speech in the newly learned language. It was great! The harder the language, the more shouts and applause. After the ceremony, we all took pictures at the United States Embassy sign. So many pictures!
Droit II: Illiso, Cisse (our LCF), Saulda, Hamma, Hamma's mom, Illiso's mom, and me and my mom in the front

PCVs 2007!

I did it!

After the photos, (which reminded me of my dance team in high school, where everybody wanted a picture with their camera, so you had to stay posed for 5 minutes), we had lunch at the Ambassadors house. It was so nice! Apparently, there were some issues last year with the swimming pool, we weren't allowed to go swimming. Sigh.
The food was fantastic! And, the best part was dessert. They served us chocolate cake AND a brownie!!! DELICIOUS!
The buffet

Happy girl!

A little piece of heaven! (I know, fau pax...using my left hand)

me, Greg (from Charleston), Amanda (from Rock Hill) Carolina Kids...Best in the World!

We then went back to Tabiniso. I basically hung out and got ready for the big night! We had some guests (I'm not going to lie, I have no idea who they were) come to dinner. They got the food out, and we all started going through the line. Apparently, our guests hadn't arrived yet...oops. Putting out hamburger buns, fries, chips, pasta salad, and then telling us that we have to wait...not a good idea. When we did get to eat, it was fantastic! It was so weird because we aren't use to 2 great meals. I know most of us were still stuffed from lunch...hello gluttony. We all ate.
me and Susie: sexy faces

I was told 3 different times that the buses were suppose to leave for Bamako. At 19:22, the buses were honking for us. Can you say miscommunication? We eventually left and went to the hotel. We had to pay for the hotel a few weeks ago, and at that time, I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to pass my test. That was my main reason for not spending the night. Secondly, I go to sleep at 21:30 most nights. I figured I would be ready to go back to Tabiniso at 1:30. I stuck my feet in the pool, and was wondering if they could squeeze me in somewhere... I decided against it. We then went to the bar and danced the night away. Every stage has a name, so we got named last night. Our name....The Breakfast Club. I thought it was appropriate because there are so many different people in our stage. Goody too shoes girls, crazy girls, quiet boys, the bad boys, we have them all! We were happy with the name because we thought they were going to give us a name that related to the stage before us because they did alot of things that we aren't allow to do. Anyway, cheers to The Breakfast Club! I already shortened it to TBC because that is what we do in PC, abbreviate when possible.

The reason I am able to post all these pictures and write so much is because everybody is in the hotel, except for me and John (another volunteer who is about 60). We were the only two that came back. I know, I'm a real party animal.... It is nice to be able to stay on the computer as long as I want and they are taking us back to Bamako sometime this morning. I think a lot of people are going shopping for their new residences (I can't say apartments or houses because some people are living in mud huts). It's Mali's Independence Day, so I think only Tubabu stores will be open. I am going to a celebration tonight with tons of food and dancing. It should be a good time.
Tomorrow, we are leaving before the crack of dawn to catch our bus. It's so crazy that the time is here! I (luckily) have 2 Internet cafes in my town. I am planning on going to one every week, maybe biweekly. (Some people are 4 hours away from the closest Internet cafe!)
Oh, the places you go!!
Oh, I so loved reading about your adventures and seeing all the cool pictures! I love all the outfits I see you in--and your precious smile! Go, LaLa!
(American mom)
Hey Katie, Congratulations on becoming a PCV! Thanks for posting all the pictures, it's great to see your smile and a slice of your African life. We love and miss you. :) Donna
Congrats on your V! I love your new outfits, you look beautiful! :)
So proud of you becoming a "V"!!! Yea!! Feel as though I'm in Africa right along with you. What an amazing experience and how differently you will view US when you get back. We do take so much of what we have for granted, so I read your blog everyday for me not to fall into that worldly trap!!! And Katie G is right--You are so beautiful in your outfits!!!
Love you,
Libby Russell
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