There was a shea formation Tuesday through Thursday, so I saw a lot of volunteers I typically don’t see. I went to the shea formation (even though it was done in Bambara), and got some handouts in French. I haven’t pair up with a women’s group, but I am hoping that my role in the city is finding a buyer that pays well for quality shea nuts. Mali ran into some problems with exporters several years ago, so it’s really important that we build up Mali’s reputation for high quality nuts. And of course, on Thursday, every participant received a certificate and proudly displayed it for the camera (it was quite sad to see so many people hold it upside down because they can’t read).
On Monday, I tutored my Chinese friends (in English) that work at the hospital. I tried a tea egg (hard boiled egg that was boiled in tea), a cuddle fish that was individually wrapped, and dried squid. Not what I would have in my refrigerator in America, but it was very kind of them to share.
Tuesday night, I hung out with Lindsay. It was quite impressive that when we walked to my homologues’ house together, a kid knew her name too! (Linds is a site rat, and Malians have a hard time telling us apart!) Linds is writing to a class from her hometown. I definitely want to do that the next school year! I read all the letters (from 3rd graders), and there was one letter I just couldn’t understand. One girl wrote I have one thing to say…Madam Micshelle. Linds, I don’t get it. I read it a few times, but then Linds explained, “Mademoiselle”. Isn’t that great?! It made my night!
On Wednesday, I went to the pool with Laura. We were the first to arrive…if I am paying a few bucks to get in, I’m getting my moneys worth! As a former lifeguard and swim instructor, I’ve seen some pretty gross water…Mali is no exception. But, it was so much fun relaxing! It was so quiet and peaceful until some Malian male teenagers came in. Everybody though I was being ridiculous, but one guy had is camera out and was taking pictures. “Katie, you are overreacting. He’s taking pictures of his friends” but then other volunteers noticed that the cell phone camera was pointed at us, no where near his friends. One volunteers politely asked him not to (in Bambara). If I knew Bambara, I would have demanded him to stop in a not so polite voice. I kept on reminding myself that I have a teenage brother at home, and if he saw thighs (in real life, not a magazine or a movie) for the first time with his friends, he and his friends would have probably pulled out the camera phone too. But, it was still irritating. We ordered food (I know, so American), from a different hotel because this hotel was so expensive. The food took quite some time getting to our destination, but it was so worth it! Afterwards, we had pina coladas, Malian style (we had to use drink powder), but not bad. I went home before the dancing because the hotel was charging us more money to stay. When I got home, I had an unwelcome visitor in my bathroom….a scorpion. I was relieved that I had time to go get the spray for unwanted insects. It always seems that whenever I leave the room, the insect disappears. I was happy that was not the case. I’d imagine that if I knew a scorpion was alive in my house, I would probably have a difficult time sleeping. I’m one for one!
On Thursday, we had a birthday celebration for Jessie. Her birthday is next week, but because so many people were here, we decided to go ahead and celebrate. We had a delicious salad, bread, and macaroni and cheese. And, let’s not forget birthday cake!
Yesterday, I was hanging out with my homologue’s wife, and I told this guy he was crazy. Crazy in French translates to mentally ill. They don’t really joke about it here. But, I called this guy crazy because he had on a long sleeved shirt!!! It was over 100 degrees yesterday. I understand that culturally, men wear pants or booboos, but a long sleeved shirt too? Anyway, other people were laughing and he eventually took it off, and lo and behold, he was wearing a Bailey and Harris shirt with “Auburn, AL” below the emblem! When you donate your clothes, you never know where they will end up!
Hot season has gradually begun. I actually woke up last night at 2 am, sweating, and unable to go back to sleep. But, I think I found a solution. Take a middle of the night shower! It worked for me last night. But, the water bill hasn’t been paid in 2 months, so I don’t know how long my “showers for sleep” will last.
I am so EXCITED about my trip home!! It’s crazy that I am leaving in 9 days!!! One bag is packed. The rain created a few problems for my other bag, so I will wait until next week to pack. (My bag was near the window. My sus sus was in the bag and it got wet and started mildewing and spreading to other things, so I have to let my bag dry out and the sus sus dry out too.)
I decided next week I am going to visit my friend’s site and also go to Waroni to check out the progress. She doesn’t have cell phone reception. I don’t have an internal compass, and I don’t speak Bambara. Surely that’s a recipe for a good story….or a disaster!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
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I wonder what a "sus sus" is and how mildew will effect it?
Come on home--we're excited the time is so near!
As usual your blog brightens my day!!! And I always give thanks for the little things in life that we Americans take for granted each day!! Thanks and have a wonderful trip home!!!
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