Monday, June 23, 2008

Fun Times in Mali

Kids playing with the pasta wrappers
Last Thursday, I went to Amanda’s village. She is also from South Carolina (represent!), and just a great person. I wanted to leave at the crack of dawn, but I decided sleep was more important. But, I am happy to report that the transportation gods were smiling down on me. Instead of taking a bus or a bahshay, I rode in a truck! I felt a little guilty because I took a guys seat and he had to seat in the truck bed, but Malians, I feel, really look out for guests. I made it to Amanda’s site, but the only thing is, this was my first time there, and I didn’t know where to go. So, she got Meg to come and get me. In village, there are very little landmarks, but I know when I go back, I will know where to go.
Yes, this city girl pulls her own water!
Amanda had the right idea of doing pasta and meat. She invited a lot of Malians, and some PCVs came (Meg, Susie, and me). We really had a lovely time. She also had a cake! Complete with icing (butter+sugar…no joke)!
Hanging out
Carolina Girls...Best in the World!
Meg, Amanda, Susie, and me
On Friday morning, I woke up 6ish. Amanda lives in a concession with two other houses, and her host family gets up early! They have to start the fire to cook, pound millet, get water, etc. So needless to say, I didn’t get to sleep in! (It’s too hot to sleep inside) Susie, Meg, and I then went to Bla to catch a bus to San for the Anything Goes but Clothes party! I realized on the bus to Bla that it was Friday, which means mosque day and less transportation. I don’t know how long we waited in Bla, but I was a little…stubborn (keeping it G rated for the kids). The guy wanted us to buy our ticket, but I adamantly refused until I actually laid eyes on a bus. Another bus came, and we got on, even though right after, the guy who was “helping” us bus came. It was uncomfortably hot. No windows, no AC, and on the back row. But, we were moving! Susie is San Kaw (from San region), so she knew where to get off and where to go. It was fun seeing people I normally don’t get to see. That evening, we all got in our outfits. I was debating between my Auburn flag and my curtains, but I decided on wearing my Auburn flag. Some people are so creative! Some outfits included: toilet paper, magazines, soap wrappers, plastic bags, cards, bubble wrap, leaves…it was so much fun! There was dancing and chatting and laughing. I am glad I went.Breakfast Club sho (minus Susie, Mary, Kyle, Amy)t: sooo dusty
I had some corrections to make on the map, and Mary was at the party so we worked on it on Saturday. It looks so good! I played cards, napped, and just hung out. That night, we had spaghetti, salad, and cake. Delicious! I then hung out with Susie, Stephanie, and Rachel, all from my stage. It was just a good time.
I returned to Sikasso on Sunday. I think I sat on the MOST uncomfortable seat in my life from San to Kouctiala. The seat was too small, so I was basically sitting (1/2 way) on metal. But, on the second bahshay, I sat shot gun! I kept on falling asleep! My apartment was filthy (surprise), but as always, it’s good to be home.


Anonymous said...

Whoo-whee, You did your alma mater proud wearing that flag! It sounds like the party was a lot of fun. Have a great week. Love, Donna

Unknown said...

Well, Aunt Donna summed it up for all of us.
Loved all the pictures!
a.m. (American mom)