Monday, December 28, 2009
Christmas, Exams, and then some
I had to write lots of exams and now I'm grading those exams. I made 3 versions in one class and 2 in the other. The kids still haven't caught on because today I received a version A and a version B with the exact same answers. Tisk tisk. I'm done grading the exams given last Friday (yes folks, Christmas), so now I need to get cracking on the exams given today. Instead of napping, I finished a book. I know I wasn't going to read until exams are over and grades are done, but I needed a break and read the first chapter a few days ago....Anyway, it's called The Boy who Harnessed the Wind by William Kamkwamba and Bryan Mealer. I normally don't talk about books on here and just list them, but this one is notable. It's so inspiring! It takes me back to Africa. I highly recommend it.
Okay, so Emma and I went ugly sweater shopping on Saturday for the party that evening. Apparently, Chengdu is out of XXXXXL sweaters under 30 rmb, so I didn't buy a sweater. Nobody did either. I also ran into a pizza problem. I found a great website for pizzas in Chengdu. I called the number but to no avail. Mutts Nuts Pizza is out of business or changed their phone number without updating it online. So, we ordered from High Fly pizza. They can't deliver between 6-9, so we got the pizzas at 5:15. I forgot that they are "Chinese" sized pizzas...basically the size of an American personal pan pizza. Oh well. I think everybody had a good time. I didn't take any pictures because I was feeling a bit large after shopping today, so I just ate some more. We had pizza, peanut butter balls (thanks Mom :), salsa, chips, velvetta (the one I brought over here in July), ginger bread house, raw veggies and dip, sugar cookies...I went to sleep at 3:30...the party rolled on until 6. I guess I'm a pumpkin.
Andrew and I are still planning our vacation. I was hoping for 22 days, but he was thinking more like 10. In America, people take vacation basically whenever they want. It seems like in China, everybody takes vacation at the same time so the prices are tripled. But, I am getting a membership to The Bookworm in January! So excited!! (It's like a library, but you have to have a membership...lame, but if there is demand....)
A volunteers' birthday is on January 1st, so there will be another party this week. And, 2 volunteers' birthdays are next week. Par-ty!
I've decided that once I get my grades in, I will be celebrating by drinking my Dr. Pepper. Dr. P is quite expensive, so this is the same one I moved in with. I'm saving it for a special day. I thought I would splurge and drink it all the time, but just knowing that I can buy it in Chengdu is comforting.
Oh, ABS!!! I need an email from you!! The suspense is about to kill me!!!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Procrasination is making my life stressful
1. grade papers for writing class (MUST RETURN THEM THIS MONDAY)
2. document grades for writing class
3. write Business Oral exam (2-3 versions)
4. write Writing exam (2-3 versions)
5. write Oral exam (2-3 versions)
6. clean house for Christmas party :)
7. pull out Christmas tree from closet
8. write Christmas letters
9. mail Christmas letters (which will be quite an accomplishment because I have YET to go to the post office...I'm a bad friend/daughter...forgive me)
10. plan vacation (Philippines or Malaysia?)
11. study Chinese because I have to take a test in January
12. exercise
I went to Dufu's Cottage last week. When I get 1 & 2 done, I'll post pictures.
T-23 until BREAK
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Thanksgiving 09
On the bus
The opening ceremony
On the way to Tday
Yesterday, we celebrated Thanksgiving! I was running around before going to the party, trying to buy things for the deviled eggs and miscellaneous ingredients for Thanksgiving. We had SO MUCH FUN! Oh how I love Thanksgiving! :)
Emily, Micah, and Allison
Micah's original shoes (he had to cut the backs of the shoes because his feet could not fit)
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Birthday Party Fun!
Birthday Party!
The Birthday Girl with her birthday present (it's a rabbit head)
I do know that we celebrated Jeesun's birthday last Saturday. We went to a western restaurant called Peter's Mexican Grill. I got a cheeseburger. It was fabulous. One thing I don't like about western food is I get sick if I eat it. I'm okay when I cook, but I get sick when going to restaurants. I blocked knowing that I was going to get sick and thoroughly enjoyed my burger and fries. That evening, we had a sleepover at my house. We watched a movie about pirates. Then a lot of people went out. However, school wears me out, so I couldn't go out out. I need the day of rest. (Ugh I sound like an adult!!) I had one friend that rolled in at 5 am! If I stay out until 5, I'm completely useless the next day. She was up at 11 and ready to go.
School is stressing me out. I've have a migraine the past 3 days. Sigh. And I thought being a student was stressful...
This Thursday and Friday, we have field day at our school. I was wondering why we didn't have field day in the spring like Americans, but then I decided that Chinese people don't like getting sun. So, November (3 degrees C) is a perfect time to run around and play outside. I don't think I'm participating, but I'll be there with jeans on! And, I'll bring my camera to take some pictures of my students.
We are celebrating Thanksgiving this Saturday! :) I consulted my gramma about how to make the gravy, but I currently can't find my notes...I'm southern. I'm supposed to know how to make gravy! I feel like such a fake.
Oh, my tutor informed me that there was ANOTHER earthquake yesterday. I managed to sleep through that one too. I'm a bit concerned. 2 earthquakes within 2 months of each other, and I have yet to wake up. Oh boy.
I can't get the link to link. So, if you want to read about it, you'll have to cut, copy, and paste.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Papers Galore!
This past week was midterm week. I'm a grading fool! College in America and China are SO DIFFERENT.
I was also informed last week that there were some misunderstandings about what I said a few weeks ago in one of my classes. I'm still not used to all of the indirect communication.
Other than lots of papers, last week was pretty uneventful. Emma and I went shopping yesterday. I bought some Ugcs (knock off of Uggs). They are so comfortable! I think I should have gone down a size. I guess I should wear thick socks and maybe get some shoe liners. I also bought an orange and blue scarf! It makes me smile!
Upcoming Events:
November 17th: Turkish Food w/Emily and Andrew
November 21st: Birthday Party!
November 28th: Thanksgiving Celebration
December 21th: Birthday Party!
December 25th: Christmas Day
December 26th: Ugly Sweater Christmas Party
January 1st: Happy New Year! (No School!)
January 8th: Birthday Party!
January 18th-29th: In Service Training
January 22nd: Last Day of the 1st semester
January 30th-February 28th: HOLIDAYS
February: My Birth Month! Planning on being somewhere where long johns are unnecessary
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Evaluation and Birthday Fun
The Birthday Girl!
Site mates
This week's forecast: LOTS of papers! It's the midterm week. Oh goodness.
One of my classes
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Halloween and such
My Chinese parents visited me on Sunday. They brought me milk, oranges, and milk tea. I really do meet some of the nicest people when I live in other countries! We had noodles for lunch. My mom is so sneaky and paid the bill while we were eating! I fought them, but I lost. They met my tutor, Joe, and she was so momish. She told him to tell me that I lost some weight (yippee!) and I need to get more rest and take care of myself. Thanks CM (Chinese Mom)!
Yesterday Joe and I went on a field trip to Ikea. I didn't realize how much I time I could waste there! I'm pretty pumped because I have an Ikea card now! :) I bought a blanket, lotion, and a throw. I'm pretty stoked about the blanket. It has the warmth level "6" (the highest). I'll let you know if they lied to me in about a month.
I also have some fairly interesting stories to tell today too. Where to begin? I hate being sick. What is even worse (that I didn't even realize was an option) is being sick at school without doors on the bathroom. Sigh.
I participated in the faculty field day. Basketball is NOT my strong suit! I made 3 baskets in a minute! This is bad, but I felt better because I did better than 1 person. However, I rocked at discus throwing! I either got 2nd place in the faculty division or 2nd place in the woman's faculty division, but regardless, I redeemed myself.
When I was in the car, I saw (seriously) a 2 year old kid driving a power car on the street! NOT KIDDING! I forgot I had my camera with me, but it really made me laugh (the parent was beside the were cars driving past the kid...we were one of them). Then at dinner, I asked what the meat on the table was. My friend said what it was, but I really didn't understand because of his accent. He pulled out the electronic dictionary and while I was putting it into my mouth he was like Pig and then showed me the dictionary...Bowels.
My friends' birthday is today. We are going out to eat this weekend to celebrate! I'll take some pictures this weekend and post. I did take a few pictures at Halloween, but in all of them, I have a candy cigarette in the looks like something illegal...I used my best judgment and decided not to post.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Last week was uneventful :) at home. I was told yesterday that our water will get cut from 11 pm to 5 pm. It hasn't happened yet, but I am prepared! I got home last night at 10:30 and started wash. My washing machine is so slow filling with water, so I helped it out a bit. I was also informed that on Wednesday, we will lose our power 9 am-5 pm. That really won't affect me. Oh the joys of living downtown where they are doing construction on the metro.
Last week, a student really disrespected me so I kicked him out of class. I was trying not to make a scene, but it ended up becoming a scene because he refused to give me his cell phone (I saw him using it so I take it and then give it back at the end of my class.) The class was extremely well behaved after that!
Yesterday I gave my culture lecture to a group of 220 freshmen. My topic was American food. My favorite part of the presentation was explaining what a fortune cooke is! There was a picture so it made it much easier. The kids applauded when I answered a cell phone. They thought it was hilarious when I answered in Chinese, "Hello? in class! I am the teacher. I'm not happy. Goodbye."
I bought the first 5 seasons of The Office. My DVD player won't read them, but it seems so anti-Peace Corps to buy a DVD player.
Halloween is on Saturday. I still don't know my costume. Right now, I'm thinking a construction worker.
The sun is shining! Oh happy day!!
Monday, October 19, 2009
I went to the school where I began volunteering. They had a beautiful bouquet of flowers for me! It was so sweet of them! The students were so curious! Everybody had to get a glance of this lǎo wài (foreigner). It was a little bit like Mali. It's nice being adored. My college kids are so over having a foreigner as a teacher.
I have been a paper grading fool! I made a dent. It's just not big enough! My weekend was spent grading papers. I also went out with friends Saturday night. We had a good time. We are still deciding what to do for Halloween.
This week was so busy, but less eventful than the previous week. I still open my kitchen door quite cautiously....
Friday, October 9, 2009
I received a call on Sunday night to go sightseeing with a coworker. He was a host family for another volunteer. I readily accepted. Yea! I'm integrating! He failed to mention that along with sightseeing, he told another school (unknown to me) that I would teach at their school. I didn't even get the heads up! I can't accept money, so I am taking this on as a secondary project. I spoke to my tutor and asked him how he would handle it. He would have handled it like "non-sensitive" American Katie, not Chinese Katie. Oh, well. I told my teammate, and he told me I'm "too approachable." I never thought that would be a bad thing...the next job interview I get, when asked my weaknesses, I guess I can say I'm too approachable.
A volunteer who was training at my school gave me a few contact numbers. I finally got around to calling on of the numbers on the list. We went shopping together. I bought a purse for 3 dollars. It's funny going shopping with someone so thin (I like to think I looked like her in high school.) She is funny without trying. She asked if I were shopping for clothes and I said I don't China has clothes for me. She looked me up and down and said my mom's fatter than you. Then we went into a little store and the salesperson said something and she translated "This store caters to fat people." Thanks! So good to know.
On Wednesday, I went to hot pot with the Dean and her husband. Her husband went to America several years ago and had lots of memorable experiences. Her husband is a huge Ryan Reynolds fan and talked a lot about his movies. He was really funny. You could tell the Dean already heard these stories a few times before... That evening, I went to my kitchen to turn on my gas (to take a hot shower) and a rat scurries out. You can ask any of my fellow friends in Mali, but I tend to become hysterical when I see rats. The same thing happened in China. I called Andrew (teammate), and he came to investigate. Then the rat disappeared! He assured me that the rat wasn't in my house anymore.
The next morning, I am walking out of the bathroom, and that little POS is trying to come in! The rat took my breath away. We both kinda froze, and he left. I called Andrew again, but he was asleep. I called my tutor, but he was asleep too. So, I hid in my room with the door shut. An hour or so later I texted Andrew that I really needed his moral support. He returns and I tell him that I'm going to be brave today and not scream. Unbeknownst to me, there are drawers at the bottom of my bookshelf. Andrew opens the draw, and it is full of peed soaked paper, rat poop, and peanut shells.
I went back to work yesterday. I also have to go today (it's Saturday). It was a much needed break.
I hope next week is less eventful.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
A Story of Inspiration
Saturday, October 3, 2009
School Days and Holidays
This past week (3 days) of teaching was tough. Some weeks are like that.
Last Sunday we had to teach to make up for Wednesdays class. I taught Sunday and Monday. (I don't teach on Tuesdays). On Wednesday, I was delighted I was able to sleep in. My home phone rang, and I didn't bother to answer it because, hey I'm on vacation! I heard my cell phone buzzing (it's on vibrate always), but again, why should I answer it? Well 5 minutes later, my teammate Andrew pounds on my door. I answer it in my pjs, and he's like get some clothes on, we missed class. We have to be on the bus in 10 minutes. Sigh. So I scramble, but we make it. Apparently (but unapparent to the 2 foreign teachers), our holiday starts on THURSDAY not WEDNESDAY. My bad. I missed the first class, but in the second class, the first 2 phrases they learned were "I messed up" and "I blew it." I called the Dean in the afternoon and apologized for inconveniencing her and the other teachers. She understood it was miscommunication, and informed me that we will indeed, make up the class.
Andrew, Mandy, and me at Hot Pot
Doesn't this look like a legit China Town?
Next week, we are on holidays because the solar and lunar calendar ended up making the Independence Day and the Midautumn Festival fall right next to each other. Don't get me started on the rules, but I am forbidden to travel. I will spend this upcoming week cleaning and visiting some sites around Chengdu. My host sister is also coming home, so I will make another trip out to visit the homestay family.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
More of the Same
This week was uneventful. Last Saturday night, a group of volunteers ate hot pot. One of the perks about going out with volunteers who have been here for a year (or two) is that they know what to order. After dinner, we went dancing. It was a first for me for going out in China. And what an experience it was! They played techno music. I had a great time. This was the first weekend of many weekends dancing to techno music.
I asked all of my students to write me a letter, telling me about themselves, what they want to accomplish, etc. My favorite quote from a student was "I like your smile and voice. It's so beautiful and dainty." That just made me smile! I made a good first impression on some students, and not so much on others. Another favorite quote, "I will try to like you." Gee, thanks kid!
Last Thursday was "Teacher's Day." 3 of my classes gave me cards! I also received a cactus. I also got some cough drops. It was really sweet of them.
I am a strict teacher, but I think my students are finally getting the message. I don't play games. During one class last week, I took 6 cell phones in 1 class! Today I only took 2 cell phones. They are learning. (No cell phones, mp3/4/28 etc., or electronic dictionaries.)
I observed the dean today. It amazed me at how respectful the students can be. I think next semester, I may incorporate the Chinese tradition of standing to greet the instructor. It really seemed to set the mood to respect the person at the front.
My teammate (Moose) and I were planning on getting out of the city this weekend and going to the mountains, but the weather forecast is rain and more rain.
Yes, there is a Hooters here.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Back to School
Most of my stuff! How did I get everything over here?!
Mathide and me
As most of you know, I have a 50 minute commute to work each day. I tried talking to the other teachers, but it's either a)too early for conversation b)they are intimidated speaking English to me c)they can't speak English. I was hoping to make friends on the bus, but it looks like that is not going to happen.
I have 1 freshman class and am going to enjoy teaching that class. My classes have (on average) 50 students. My freshman class is a class of 20. I came 20 minutes early to the first class and all my freshman were already there!
I am working with some amazing people and feel so blessed to know them!
I began tutoring this week. My tutors' name is Joe, and he is extremely nice.
I currently do not have water. I was informed last night that our water would be cut from 11-5. Silly me, I thought that meant 11pm-5am. WRONG. 5 pm. So, basically, I am waiting for the water to get turned back on so I can shower! I could go get water from a nearby faucet place, but it really is a challenge carrying up the buckets of water 4 flights of stairs.
I finally got water! But this is what it looked like...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Oreos and Dr. Pepper?! I don't think I'm in Mali anymore...
The panda and me
Wen (my host sister) and me at the Panda place
My friend Becca (she was in Ethiopia) and me
Mom, me, Dad after our white water adventure (no paddles!)
I apologize for not updating sooner. Facebook and blogspot have been blocked, so I’ve had a few obstacles to jump through.
I, unfortunately, cannot be as open with my opinions. I refuse to sugarcoat anything, but some things may be omitted.
Let me back up….
America was WONDERFUL! I had so much fun! I put on 14 lbs in 3 weeks. I didn’t weigh myself week 4 because I really didn’t want to know. I saw a few friends, talked to all of my friends in the states on the phone, visited my brother and my sister-in-law, and ate way too much! My Dad had some surgery, so it wasn’t all play. I was chauffeur and personal assistant for a few weeks.
I sat beside a young professional looking guy at the airport in Dallas. After he pulled out his Peace Corps notebook, I asked him where he was going. Turns out, we were on the same flight to SF together. I prearranged a bus to take me to the hotel. It was a wonderful hotel! I wish we stayed there for a few nights.
The flight wasn’t bad at all. I requested a window seat. I sat beside a Native American who was on her way to study in China for a few weeks. I didn’t realize that there were 2 flights from Beijing to Chengdu, and I ended up missing the flight because I was in the bathroom, changing to “business casual”. I was a bit concerned about getting my bag, but TIC, and I had no problems.
The hotel was nice enough. My roommate is great. Her name is Denise and this is her second time doing PC. She was a volunteer in the 70s in Thailand. She brought her group picture. It’s absolutely priceless. The first week or so was a lot of protocol. Apparently (unapparent to me), appropriate shoes in Mali are not appropriate in China.
My home stay family is incredible! I had language classes in Chengdu University, but lived off campus. My Chinese mom and dad gave me their master bedroom because it had the western style toilet. I keep on putting myself in their situation and am continually in awe of their hospitality. My sister is going to LSU this November, and I am hoping that she will go to South Carolina and spend Christmas with the Cannons.
I will be teaching at the Sichuan College of Education in Chengdu. I really thought I would be leaving the city so I was quite surprised at my placement. When I went there for site visit, I was highly impressed with the staff there. The staff was professional, friendly, and helpful.
I also stayed in my apartment during site visit. While my apartment has accommodations such as a washing machine, refrigerator, hot water in the kitchen, tv, dvd, etc., there are aspects of my Malian apartment that I miss. I miss my wonderful porch, rooftop, and my Malian neighbors.
I begin teaching in September. Business Oral English and Writing are the 2 subjects. I will also be giving a lecture every other Monday on culture. If anybody has suggestions for appropriate culture based themes, leave a comment on the blog! I have this semester outlined for the cultural Mondays, but any suggestions for next semester would be appreciated.
Today we moved out of our homestay family and are staying in a swanky hotel! I'm pretty sure it's a 4 star. The beds are absolutely incredible! I am going to buy new sheets for my apartment!
More pictures tomorrow (En shallah! It's so funny because random French and Bambara words come out when I attempt to speak Mandarin.)