Most of my stuff! How did I get everything over here?!
Mathide and me
As most of you know, I have a 50 minute commute to work each day. I tried talking to the other teachers, but it's either a)too early for conversation b)they are intimidated speaking English to me c)they can't speak English. I was hoping to make friends on the bus, but it looks like that is not going to happen.
I have 1 freshman class and am going to enjoy teaching that class. My classes have (on average) 50 students. My freshman class is a class of 20. I came 20 minutes early to the first class and all my freshman were already there!
I am working with some amazing people and feel so blessed to know them!
I began tutoring this week. My tutors' name is Joe, and he is extremely nice.
I currently do not have water. I was informed last night that our water would be cut from 11-5. Silly me, I thought that meant 11pm-5am. WRONG. 5 pm. So, basically, I am waiting for the water to get turned back on so I can shower! I could go get water from a nearby faucet place, but it really is a challenge carrying up the buckets of water 4 flights of stairs.
I finally got water! But this is what it looked like...

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