Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Lindsey's Village

I had a great time at Nana's (Lindsey) village. There was a fete (with dancing of course!). We also did a lot of greeting, card playing, and reminiscing.

Eating degay on the bus before it left

The lizard that scared the bejebezs out of me (a kid came in the house to get it)

Dancing at the fete

Lala and Ya at school (her dad is a director)

Video- 5:53 am's what's for dinner
Hanging out by the side of the road...I have seen happier days
The broken down bachee...I waited 2 hours and then got my bike down and biked to a nearby village and grabbed a bus home


Unknown said...

That video is too funny!
See you soon!
Mah Coulibally

Anonymous said...

Katie- it's good to see you on video! I can't believe you've read that many books... My favorites are Pride and prejudice and the Red Tent.
love, annie