I remain in awe that September is over and October has begun. I have spent the last month roaming around the Philippines. I went scuba diving 26 times and got my advanced certification. I saw the prettiest sunrises around, complete with blue skies, and truly enjoyed my time traveling alone and meeting other solo travelers.
It's a good thing I am seeing my parents on Sunday or it would make leaving this beautiful country quite difficult.
On to Beijing in 2 days! Bring on the Sichuan cuisine!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
I can't believe it's been a month since I last posted! It's official! I'm an RPCV! :)
I went to Tibet 2 days after COSing. I went with Amy V. Amy and I were PCVs in Mali together before both going to China. In both countries, we were a day apart (40 ish hours in Mali and 28 in China.) We were compatible traveling buddies. The highlight of the trip was Mount Everest. My camera didn't do it justice. It really is one of the most magnificent places I have ever been.
After Tibet, I went back to Chengdu to fly to the Philippines! I am currently LOVING the Philippines! I'm planning on taking a refresher dive course tomorrow and then I'm going to dive with manta rays!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Summer Project in Dazhou
On July 17 I, along with 8 other PCVs, took a train to Dazhou for summer project. For two weeks, I taught elementary and middle school teachers and allowed them to practice English with a native English speaker. I truly felt like a PCV.
My assistant, Mark, and me

Some notable stories:
On Sunday, I went to Walmart to buy hair gel. It was going to be a quick trip because it was raining. I walked there and befriended an old man. We walked together and then got on an old bus together. He made sure I got off at the right spot (I'm unfamiliar with the city.) I was in Walmart for about 10 minutes. I then got on another bus. Well, little did I know that the bus had to take a detour because the water in the river was rising. I missed my stop and rode the bus to the end of the line. I then got in a cab. He tried taking me the school, but the bridge was shut down because of flooding. I had NO IDEA the water would rise so fast! I ended up walking around for 2ish hours. (I discovered 1 1/2 hours later I was walking in the WRONG direction...) One of the many things I don't like about myself is I cry when there are no more emotions. I was frustrated and ended up crying. I kept on reminding myself how funny it was going to be the next day, but it still didn't cheer me up. So after I realized I was walking in the WRONG direction, I turned around. I FINALLY recognized where I was! But, the street was closed. I had no idea what to do, so I talked to the cop. He told me that he would take me to the other bridge to get to the school. I didn't know how to tell him that I just came from that bridge. Anyway, lots of people were staring, so I got in the car and we went to the other bridge. Walking around near the other bridge was an English speaking cop. So he got in the car with us. I didn't have a cell phone, map, dictionary....so I had to go to an Internet cafe to pull up numbers. Then I went to a pay phone to call PC and ask what I should do. The nice cops drove me to a fancy hotel, but I felt guilty so I went to a basic hotel. I have never felt such gratitude for 2 complete strangers in China. I don't even know their names, but their hospitality will remain with me forever.
When I told my dad the story, he asked if I took any pictures. No, I didn't take any pictures. I didn't bring my camera. I was just going to Walmart for 15 minutes. But, you can check out http://news.xinhuanet.com/english2010/photo/2010-07/19/c_13404174.htm if you want to see the 2010 flood in Dazhou.
I have never in my ENTIRE life received so many compliments on my voice in a 2 week period! The teachers LOVED my voice. I was told it was "sweet," "danity," "like a celebrity," etc.
I went to a waterpark (3 slides, 1 wave pool). Like every place in China, it was SO crowded. I was getting claustrobic in the wave pool. When the wave pool was turned on, you couldn't ride the rides because there wasn't enough water pressure. Good times for all who went.
One night I was awoken by something crawling on my face. I immediately turn on the light. It was a cockroach. I was 1/2 asleep, but I had the idea that I didn't kill it. I don't know what all happened, but I did take my shoe and smeared the cockroach b/c I didn't kill it first time. I only temporily knocked it down. In the morning, there was cockroach pieces beside my bed. Awesome.
Proof that I wasn't hallucinating

We went to a buffet lunch on our last day there. We got there an hour early. I had to keep reminding myself what a treat going to a buffet is. It was probably the first buffet for several people who went with us.
11 am drinks...It's 5 somewhere

Lunch...Moose is at the head b/c it was his bday

Miscellaneous Picts
Group Shot

As you can see from the board, I reminded them to turn off their cell phones. Right after I explained it, an official answered his ringing cell phone (he was on the front row) and preceded to have a conversation. Sigh. I tried.

Pictures with 2 of my students at an outdoor gathering
Pictures with teachers
Areal view of Dazhou
Emma and me on our Saturday hike
I have lots to do this week because I'm COSing on Friday! This chapter of my life is coming to a close. I have lots of goodbyes to say, dishes to eat, and things to pack.
My assistant, Mark, and me
Some notable stories:
On Sunday, I went to Walmart to buy hair gel. It was going to be a quick trip because it was raining. I walked there and befriended an old man. We walked together and then got on an old bus together. He made sure I got off at the right spot (I'm unfamiliar with the city.) I was in Walmart for about 10 minutes. I then got on another bus. Well, little did I know that the bus had to take a detour because the water in the river was rising. I missed my stop and rode the bus to the end of the line. I then got in a cab. He tried taking me the school, but the bridge was shut down because of flooding. I had NO IDEA the water would rise so fast! I ended up walking around for 2ish hours. (I discovered 1 1/2 hours later I was walking in the WRONG direction...) One of the many things I don't like about myself is I cry when there are no more emotions. I was frustrated and ended up crying. I kept on reminding myself how funny it was going to be the next day, but it still didn't cheer me up. So after I realized I was walking in the WRONG direction, I turned around. I FINALLY recognized where I was! But, the street was closed. I had no idea what to do, so I talked to the cop. He told me that he would take me to the other bridge to get to the school. I didn't know how to tell him that I just came from that bridge. Anyway, lots of people were staring, so I got in the car and we went to the other bridge. Walking around near the other bridge was an English speaking cop. So he got in the car with us. I didn't have a cell phone, map, dictionary....so I had to go to an Internet cafe to pull up numbers. Then I went to a pay phone to call PC and ask what I should do. The nice cops drove me to a fancy hotel, but I felt guilty so I went to a basic hotel. I have never felt such gratitude for 2 complete strangers in China. I don't even know their names, but their hospitality will remain with me forever.
When I told my dad the story, he asked if I took any pictures. No, I didn't take any pictures. I didn't bring my camera. I was just going to Walmart for 15 minutes. But, you can check out http://news.xinhuanet.com/english2010/photo/2010-07/19/c_13404174.htm if you want to see the 2010 flood in Dazhou.
I have never in my ENTIRE life received so many compliments on my voice in a 2 week period! The teachers LOVED my voice. I was told it was "sweet," "danity," "like a celebrity," etc.
I went to a waterpark (3 slides, 1 wave pool). Like every place in China, it was SO crowded. I was getting claustrobic in the wave pool. When the wave pool was turned on, you couldn't ride the rides because there wasn't enough water pressure. Good times for all who went.
One night I was awoken by something crawling on my face. I immediately turn on the light. It was a cockroach. I was 1/2 asleep, but I had the idea that I didn't kill it. I don't know what all happened, but I did take my shoe and smeared the cockroach b/c I didn't kill it first time. I only temporily knocked it down. In the morning, there was cockroach pieces beside my bed. Awesome.
Proof that I wasn't hallucinating
I went to a "haunted house." I can honestly say I have never seen anything quite like it before.
We went to a buffet lunch on our last day there. We got there an hour early. I had to keep reminding myself what a treat going to a buffet is. It was probably the first buffet for several people who went with us.
11 am drinks...It's 5 somewhere
Lunch...Moose is at the head b/c it was his bday
Karaoke for Mooses' bday
Allison and I rockin' out to Spice Girls
Group Shot

As you can see from the board, I reminded them to turn off their cell phones. Right after I explained it, an official answered his ringing cell phone (he was on the front row) and preceded to have a conversation. Sigh. I tried.

Pictures with 2 of my students at an outdoor gathering

Thursday, July 15, 2010
Snapshots of My Life in China
It's Thursday. I managed to get ALL my grades done in 2 days. I finished my statistical analysis today. Do I dare say I'm done? Yes. I even made that my status. And then the phone rings. It's the foreign affairs department. The president wants to meet me tomorrow afternoon. The bus ONLY leaves in the morning which means I'll have to wait for him for several hours. Sigh. And the lady at the waiban (foreign affairs office) said, "Is that alright?" No. It's NOT alright, but I don't have a choice, do I? No, you don't. Well, this all occurred when I was searching for my debit card AND my internet wasn't working. I ended up calling her back and saying, no. I can't make it unless a bus leaves in the afternoon. I need Friday to get ready to go to Dazhou for 2 weeks. I don't have time to wait on Mr. Big Fish (who only wants to see me now that I'm leaving.) I was panicky and on the verge of hysteria. So, it worked out in my favor. She informed me that he was coming to the campus walking distance from my house. I never found my bank card :( I went to the bank and got another one :) (Aside: I went to the grocery store and went to pull out my debit card. Wait a minute. It's not there. I couldn't pay for my items. I HATE doing that!) And, while I was searching for my bank card, I ended up finding money I lost in February :) I thought maybe I recycled it or something, but it turns out, it got stuck behind a drawer (which is why I could never find it!) So, my day was productive, frustrating, and eventually good. I calmed down, went to the bank, drank my victory Dr. Pepper, and watched Dexter. Yay!!
Many people inaccurately visualize China as a rural, dirty country. I'm in the city. There are 13 million people. There are KFCs, McDonalds, Hooters, lots of cars, buses, stop lights (many people see them as a suggestion), etc.
Here are some pictures of my city. (I swear, I was rolling my eyes like it was my job when PC said last year, "Now when you go to your village..." Really PC? Village?! (Another volunteer says they said site, but I'm convinced village was used.) PCVs in China aren't sent to villages. They are sent to cities.
Many people inaccurately visualize China as a rural, dirty country. I'm in the city. There are 13 million people. There are KFCs, McDonalds, Hooters, lots of cars, buses, stop lights (many people see them as a suggestion), etc.
Here are some pictures of my city. (I swear, I was rolling my eyes like it was my job when PC said last year, "Now when you go to your village..." Really PC? Village?! (Another volunteer says they said site, but I'm convinced village was used.) PCVs in China aren't sent to villages. They are sent to cities.
Pork...it's what's for dinner
The new LV store
Tiffany's is just down the road from my apartment
And of course, Gucci Pictures from my school (1 hour bus ride away from Chengdu)
The sign in front of the school
The cafeteria (I eat on the 3rd floor)
The pools
The Library
Walk way between buildings
Friday, July 9, 2010
Goodbyes, Exams, Travels
On the 28th, I began saying goodbye to students. Some of them were sad, some were happy (but they didn't show it), and all of them wished me "Happy every day." Happy every day used to annoy me, but I really like it now. Not Happy Birthday or Happy Anniversary, but Happy EVERY DAY.
My writing students wrote me letters. I wanted to know if they learned anything, what they would like to see in the future, and what should I tell the next teacher. Here are a few clips of my favorites:
"I had four foreigner as teacher during two year. But I think you are the best one. Because you told me how to write a E-mail and let me knew the difference from CVs and resume. I really get something from you."
"I hope you smile more, you are beautiful when you smile. When we have mistakes, you should take more pains. In a word, you are a nice person."
"Maybe someone will feel you are so mean, but I know what you do is to protect us from making mistakes in our future work."
"But I think your class is so boring. I have been tired sometimes. You can give me something that can be interesting....I think you can let us bring our cellphone."
"I have learned something about writing more or less."
"You have tried to smile more and tried to be more attractive. Thank you."
"I hope next teacher would be serious but smile, too. The voice should be loud just as you that it's can be heard clearly."
During the last class, we reviewed and then took pictures. I took pictures with each class. It was a nice way to end the semester. I sometimes wear the same thing 4 days in a row. (Don't judge!) I tried to change outfits every day because I knew I would be taking pictures, but it didn't happen.
Monday Class 8:40
My writing students wrote me letters. I wanted to know if they learned anything, what they would like to see in the future, and what should I tell the next teacher. Here are a few clips of my favorites:
"I had four foreigner as teacher during two year. But I think you are the best one. Because you told me how to write a E-mail and let me knew the difference from CVs and resume. I really get something from you."
"I hope you smile more, you are beautiful when you smile. When we have mistakes, you should take more pains. In a word, you are a nice person."
"Maybe someone will feel you are so mean, but I know what you do is to protect us from making mistakes in our future work."
"But I think your class is so boring. I have been tired sometimes. You can give me something that can be interesting....I think you can let us bring our cellphone."
"I have learned something about writing more or less."
"You have tried to smile more and tried to be more attractive. Thank you."
"I hope next teacher would be serious but smile, too. The voice should be loud just as you that it's can be heard clearly."
During the last class, we reviewed and then took pictures. I took pictures with each class. It was a nice way to end the semester. I sometimes wear the same thing 4 days in a row. (Don't judge!) I tried to change outfits every day because I knew I would be taking pictures, but it didn't happen.
Monday Class 8:40
Monday Class 10:25
A few of my regulars that come to Office Hours
Monday Class 2
Wednesday Class 8:40 Wednesday Class 10:25
Thursday Class 8:40
Friday Class 8:40
Friday Class 10:25
And a few pictures from saying goodbye at the middle school

On Tuesday, I gave my first set of exams. I graded 110 exams in 2 days. Not bad. I have another 200 to give on Tuesday. I leave for summer project on the 17th which means I have 3 days to grade and submit student grades.
For my secondary project, I contacted Darien Book Aid. (http://dba.darien.org/). Living overseas has really hit home how wasteful Americans are (food, books, electronics, etc.) Instead of throwing books away (as I read in horror on http://www.goupstate.com/), DONATE THEM! DBA mailed about 20 books of all different levels. I was amazed that a few students wanted to check them out over the summer holiday. While I don't know if I can personally visit DBA in Connecticut, I will definitely remember them and hope to donate books when I can.
I've started planning my travels post PC. Tibet is official (I paid. I'm going :) I need to purchase my other tickets. Will keep you informed of my next adventure.
I'm visiting my homestay family on Monday. They got a new volunteer. I was a wee bit jealous, but I've gotten over that. I talked to her the other day for a few minutes and welcomed her to the fam! I'm actually really looking forward to meeting her!
My friend, Matilde, has a photography club at her college. Her students go out and take pictures and write about it. Check out her website (and leave encouraging messages for her students!) at http://gongdaepc.livejournal.com/.
Go Netherlands :)
Friday, June 25, 2010
Feelin' the LOVE!
Today I received 15 letters! I am so blessed to have amazing friends and family! Because this weekend is going to be low key, I've decided to post the cards.
Xmas card from the fam

Card from my mom (picture of her alma mater)

Postcard from my mom and my aunts

Letter from RPCV Emily

Letter from Hannah (She even printed a picture of Krams and me and of us. How sweet!)

Letter from Debby and Ben (from my hometown church...even in China, they write me! :)

Vday card from my mommy

Birthday card from the fam

Card from Melody

Letter from Mali PCV, Lindsey

Card with the "anti-Kramer story"

Letter from my mom, just b/c she rocks remembering me

Easter card from fam

Letter from Amy J.

Letter from Jim DeMint (SC Senator), thanking me for my service
On a different note, I have 2 other things to share.
1. Last Sunday, Andrew's dad was in town. He graciously took us out to eat at a buffet. The price for one person was 17% of our MONTHLY allowance! I'm not used to resturants like these, and I went a little crazy. (I think we made his dad uncomfortable because we were going from place to place! Me: "OMG! LOOK! A chocolate fountain!" Andrew: "7 choices of pasta!" and on and on and on. I wondered aloud to Andrew how much it cost. His dad approached us and was like, what? And Andrew was like, Katie wants to know how much it costs. I was so embarrassed! He wasn't supposed to say it OUT LOUD! JEEZ! I bet his dad thinks I'm super classy (NOT). It was a lovely dinner until I overdid it. Hello, gluttony. After that meal, I didn't eat for 24 hours (no joke). So, 3 meals for the price of 1!
At the beginning of the meal...Oh fresh shrimp!
2. I received a letter from my middle school student. It cracked me up! Here it is...
(In case you can't read the sentence: "I am very sorry for your left hand")
So, while I sit in my electricity filled, running water out of the tap, home taking pictures of my cards while on the internet, there are PCVs in Mali that are making a difference. Check out http://www.mary-in-mali.blogspot.com/ for an incredible Malian adventure! I'm so proud to know this incredible woman!
Xmas card from the fam
Card from my mom (picture of her alma mater)
Postcard from my mom and my aunts
Letter from RPCV Emily
Letter from Hannah (She even printed a picture of Krams and me and of us. How sweet!)
Letter from Debby and Ben (from my hometown church...even in China, they write me! :)
Vday card from my mommy
Birthday card from the fam
Card from Melody
Letter from Mali PCV, Lindsey
Card with the "anti-Kramer story"
Letter from my mom, just b/c she rocks remembering me
Easter card from fam
Letter from Amy J.
Letter from Jim DeMint (SC Senator), thanking me for my service
On a different note, I have 2 other things to share.
1. Last Sunday, Andrew's dad was in town. He graciously took us out to eat at a buffet. The price for one person was 17% of our MONTHLY allowance! I'm not used to resturants like these, and I went a little crazy. (I think we made his dad uncomfortable because we were going from place to place! Me: "OMG! LOOK! A chocolate fountain!" Andrew: "7 choices of pasta!" and on and on and on. I wondered aloud to Andrew how much it cost. His dad approached us and was like, what? And Andrew was like, Katie wants to know how much it costs. I was so embarrassed! He wasn't supposed to say it OUT LOUD! JEEZ! I bet his dad thinks I'm super classy (NOT). It was a lovely dinner until I overdid it. Hello, gluttony. After that meal, I didn't eat for 24 hours (no joke). So, 3 meals for the price of 1!
At the beginning of the meal...Oh fresh shrimp!
So, while I sit in my electricity filled, running water out of the tap, home taking pictures of my cards while on the internet, there are PCVs in Mali that are making a difference. Check out http://www.mary-in-mali.blogspot.com/ for an incredible Malian adventure! I'm so proud to know this incredible woman!
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