My assistant, Mark, and me
Some notable stories:
On Sunday, I went to Walmart to buy hair gel. It was going to be a quick trip because it was raining. I walked there and befriended an old man. We walked together and then got on an old bus together. He made sure I got off at the right spot (I'm unfamiliar with the city.) I was in Walmart for about 10 minutes. I then got on another bus. Well, little did I know that the bus had to take a detour because the water in the river was rising. I missed my stop and rode the bus to the end of the line. I then got in a cab. He tried taking me the school, but the bridge was shut down because of flooding. I had NO IDEA the water would rise so fast! I ended up walking around for 2ish hours. (I discovered 1 1/2 hours later I was walking in the WRONG direction...) One of the many things I don't like about myself is I cry when there are no more emotions. I was frustrated and ended up crying. I kept on reminding myself how funny it was going to be the next day, but it still didn't cheer me up. So after I realized I was walking in the WRONG direction, I turned around. I FINALLY recognized where I was! But, the street was closed. I had no idea what to do, so I talked to the cop. He told me that he would take me to the other bridge to get to the school. I didn't know how to tell him that I just came from that bridge. Anyway, lots of people were staring, so I got in the car and we went to the other bridge. Walking around near the other bridge was an English speaking cop. So he got in the car with us. I didn't have a cell phone, map, I had to go to an Internet cafe to pull up numbers. Then I went to a pay phone to call PC and ask what I should do. The nice cops drove me to a fancy hotel, but I felt guilty so I went to a basic hotel. I have never felt such gratitude for 2 complete strangers in China. I don't even know their names, but their hospitality will remain with me forever.
When I told my dad the story, he asked if I took any pictures. No, I didn't take any pictures. I didn't bring my camera. I was just going to Walmart for 15 minutes. But, you can check out if you want to see the 2010 flood in Dazhou.
I have never in my ENTIRE life received so many compliments on my voice in a 2 week period! The teachers LOVED my voice. I was told it was "sweet," "danity," "like a celebrity," etc.
I went to a waterpark (3 slides, 1 wave pool). Like every place in China, it was SO crowded. I was getting claustrobic in the wave pool. When the wave pool was turned on, you couldn't ride the rides because there wasn't enough water pressure. Good times for all who went.
One night I was awoken by something crawling on my face. I immediately turn on the light. It was a cockroach. I was 1/2 asleep, but I had the idea that I didn't kill it. I don't know what all happened, but I did take my shoe and smeared the cockroach b/c I didn't kill it first time. I only temporily knocked it down. In the morning, there was cockroach pieces beside my bed. Awesome.
Proof that I wasn't hallucinating
I went to a "haunted house." I can honestly say I have never seen anything quite like it before.
We went to a buffet lunch on our last day there. We got there an hour early. I had to keep reminding myself what a treat going to a buffet is. It was probably the first buffet for several people who went with us.
11 am drinks...It's 5 somewhere
Lunch...Moose is at the head b/c it was his bday
Karaoke for Mooses' bday
Allison and I rockin' out to Spice Girls
Group Shot

As you can see from the board, I reminded them to turn off their cell phones. Right after I explained it, an official answered his ringing cell phone (he was on the front row) and preceded to have a conversation. Sigh. I tried.

Pictures with 2 of my students at an outdoor gathering

Wow--it did fly by fast! The kindness of strangers is universal. Proud of your 3 years of service!
American mom
I knew someone would find you a good and pleasant teacher!!
heard about the flood. sounded kinda funny, haha.
glad you had all this experience in dazhou
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