Love this pict

Trinh and her fam (and yes, thats pc fabric on the kids)

The Belushis (minus jack)

Trinh and Madame
I met the newbies last week. It’s still surreal that a year has gone by, my friends are leaving, and new people are “replacing” them. It’s….refreshing? to know how much I have grown as an individual, just talking to the newbies. I’ve changed so much as an individual. Basically, my perspective of life has changed. I do believe I have changed more this past year than my 4 years of college. Maybe it’s just a different kind of change. Maybe you can’t even compare college and Mali. I don’t know. But, it’s neat reflecting and thinking, I’ve come a long way! Language, emotionally, and just how things that used to be such a BIG DEAL, just aren’t.
Last weekend, Trinh had her farewell party. It was fun. Lots of dancing, laughter, friends. I designated myself as the photographer because I would want someone to do that for me. Even though, I probably won’t have such a big bash next year.

I ended up going to Bamako for rectifying travel arrangements. It was such a huge relief getting everything taken care of.
I didn’t take pictures in Bamako because I would have been crying in most of them. But, it was fun hanging out with Trinh before she left. I sure am going to miss her, but I do thank God that our paths crossed in this craziness called life.
It’s funny how things work out. While I am sad that Trinh left, I did (FINALLY) receive the last 2 books of the Twilight Saga. So, I’ve been pretty busy this week.
Me with my 6.50 cedi bottle of dr.pepper (6.50 usd)

As one door closes, another opens.
Enjoy your final year in Mali!
Hey Katie, You can't compare college to Mali. Mali is teaching you life lessons you never would have learned if you had stayed in the States. Hang in there, we all love you! Donna & The Aunts
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