me, Becky, and Anna at the border

Ghana was absolutely wonderful. I think we all decided that it wouldn’t have been nearly as impressive if we came from the states, but coming from Mali? Ghana is a little paradise in West Africa.
I unfortunately didn’t do a good job of journaling, so most of this is from memory. I know I will leave out things, so for 2 other points of view, check out Anna’s and Becky’s blog.
I was planning on leaving for Bamako on Sunday (July ?), but I woke up sick. I was the only one who got sick after our Mexican night. It was probably a good thing I didn’t leave on Sunday because I really wasn’t ready. So, I lounged for most of the day and then packed.
On Monday while I was on my way to Bamako, I got a call from Anna saying that they guy canceled our tickets because we didn’t pay 3 days after making our reservations. No one told us that. Sigh. So, over land we went!
We left Monday morning. It was fine, but the lady beside me, I thought, was a bit rude (Comes to find out she’s not Malian). We were rolling along nicely until we hit the Burkina Faso border. There were 3 check points. 1 and 2 were near each other, but the 3rd was about 30 minutes from the 2nd. To make a long story short, 2 guys (again, not Malians) put cocaine in milk bags and got caught. So, they put everybody on the bus (including the 2 smugglers) and we went back to check point 2. Apparently, we couldn’t take the bus we were on again, so we had to wait for another bus to pick us up. Sigh. This was at 8 pm, and I was getting really hungry, but so was everybody else. I don’t know what happened to those guys. There was no electricity at the 2nd check point, so I really don’t know if there was a place to put them in or what.
I don’t know what day it is, but our first actual touristic stop was in Kamasi. Kamasi has this incredible market that even puts Bamako to shame. I had a delicious milkshake. After Kamasi, we went to Axim. That was actually a mistake because we thought The Green Turtle was near Kamasi. We thought wrong. We spent the night in Axim, and then went to The Safari Lodge the next day. SL was extremely nice, but left such a bitter taste. We paid for 2 nights. We weren’t sure how long we were going to stay before moving on. So, the morning of day 2, we decided that we were going to stay for a 3rd night. We paid in front of the owner. Day 3, we were asked to leave because they gave our room to someone else because we weren’t “patronizing the hotel”. We couldn’t AFFORD the meals there! So, we ate at the GT. At the GT, I got an alcoholic drink, meal, and dessert for LESS THAN the price of one meal at the SL. I was so mad. It would have been one thing if they said that they were already booked, but to take our money? That’s low. And we were quiet, respectful guests. Some people only care about money. (The owner, an American, and I spoke for a good 15 minutes and knew that we are PC volunteers.) So, I recommend
Anna, Becky, me @ the Beach!

The Green Turtle. If you’re in Ghana, go to the Green Turtle. Good food, good people, good price. After getting booted from SL, the staff at GT was very kind and let us camp there.
Does anyone else find this picture funny?
After the GT, we went to Cape Coast. We toured a slave castle. I have become more aware of my sense of smell after living in Mali for a year (even though you aren’t suppose to smell things…sometimes you don’t want to smell people but you can), and I couldn’t stop thinking of the stench the slaves were living in before getting on a boat. 1 room housed 150 people. They used the bathroom there. Lots of people didn’t even make it out of the room alive because of illness.
beach at Cape Coast
At a national park (Anna, Becky, me)
After Cape Coast, we went to Accra (the capital of Ghana). All we did in Accra was eat and shop. I did get a hotdog, Dr. Pepper, and nachos. I paid an absurd amount of money for each of those items, but hey, it’s vacation!
Cheescake for breakfast?! YES PLEASE!
Ghana is 80% Christian, and we all had fun looking at signs. The top two signs were “Except God” and “How Great Thou Art” Store (art supply store).
Oh how I love sour cream!

On the way back to Mali, we spent 2 nights in bus stations. Needless to say, I was delighted to get back home
At the end, all the bus stations ran together....and yes, that would be me asleep in the tent

Even though Ghana was visibly more developed than Mali, we still ran into obstacles. TISA. (This is STILL Africa)
Am so glad you had a good trip and were able to tour a different African country with a "Malian" outlook.
(American mom)
Your adventures make my life seem like it is standing still!!! I'm determined to see more, do more, eat less, enjoy the "smaller" things I take for granted everyday!!! You have made it soooo exciting for me to look at Africa through your eyes!!! Thank you and enjoy being back "home."
Love you,
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