Saturday, January 2, 2010

Twenty Ten

Happy New Year's! 2010!!!

It's Saturday! I'm done with exams! I'm almost done grading exams! :) What a fabulous weekend!

I missed the party of the year (NYE), but I'm really okay with that. I really needed to chilax after a week of giving/grading exams.

I visited my home stay mom and dad for lunch yesterday. It's about 20 km away, and it took me 2 hours. Traffic was terrible! We had chicken pot for lunch. Instead of hot pot or duck pot, we had chicken pot. On my way to their house, I'm not joking.....I SAW A CAMEL!!! I got so excited! I haven't seen a camel since Mali!!! I don't know the word for camel in Chinese, and my charades was hilarious and then my "baba" said it! I was like "DUI!!!!" (Correct!) My mom really likes chicken feet. I was like, I thought chickens have 2 feet. My mom ate both the feet and then her friend ate one. I was like, "?" My dad was like, "no. chickens have 4 feet." I was like "really? no...." It turns out, they bought 2 chickens. My friends and I are so cheap, we only buy 1 at a time. Anyway, I kept everyone laughing at lunch (and not even on purpose.) After lunch, we walked around, and sure enough, we all saw the camel. A kid was on it, and his mom was taking his picture. Other highlights from my trip include: a dog wearing a penguin sweater and a dog wearing a pink hooded sweater with bunny ears on the hood. Where's my camera when I need it?!


jacoba2 said...

KT you are soooo cute in your cap in the the pics! AND we have the same size tree!!!!! anything you want from cali for the new year/bday/christmas i can send you?? i'll have to get your address.... maybe you could send it in your letter??

Unknown said...

I love and miss you Katie!